We love to have our families and scholars return to us year after year. We strongly encourage all families to re-enroll as soon as possible. It is best to do so before our lottery in March.
We have set up some discount pricing for our activity fee for families who want to re-enroll now. You can save $30 by re-enrolling your scholar today- even more if you have multiple scholars!!!
Round 2- (Jan2 -March 1) 1st scholar-$35 | 2nd scholar-$15 | 3rd scholar-$10
Round 3- (March 2- June 15) 1st scholar-$45 | 2nd scholar-$25 | 3rd scholar-$10
Round 4- (June 16 on) 1st scholar-$65 | 2nd scholar-$35 | 3rd scholar-$10
Use the following discount codes- "Second Scholar" or "Third Scholar" to get the discount. There are no refunds on activity fees.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Nicholson at (815) 708-7946 EXT. 406 or by email at enrollment@galapagoscharter.org .